How to Juice Carrots

The best way to juice carrots is to use an electric juicer. There are many different carrot juice recipes that use juicing as way of preparing this delicious drink. Due to their distinctive sweetness, carrots are probably among the most popular vegetables for preparing sweat and refreshing juices. If you haven’t really tried making some carrot juice for yourself, you must absolutely do so. The sweetness of carrots makes the juice taste great, and besides, there is little cost involved as you can always buy carrots at very affordable price.
Table of Contents
Selecting Fresh Carrots

Always choose fresh carrots
If you want to make the best possible carrot juice, make sure you pick some fresh vegetables. It is easy to spot when the carrots are old – usually they will be rubber-like, broken, and limp. In addition, you should pay attention to the carrot tops, and if they are wilted this is a good indication to avoid them altogether. Fresh carrots will usually be of bright color, and they will have a shiny texture. The vivid orange color of the young carrots will be a good sign of the presence of beta carotene (vitamin A) – which is a powerful antioxidant. This chemical compound is a form of a color pigment often present in some plants, so pay attention to the color as a good indication about the condition of the carrots you are about to buy.
The thickness of the carrots is also important. If you prefer making really sweet juices, then choose the thicker carrots – the core region of this root contains more sugars. And vice versa, if you are like me and if you do not want to have too sweet a juice, pick up the thinner carrots.
Juicing Carrot Tops
There is a controversy about whether or not to use carrot tops when making juice. First, although there is a carrot taste to them and they are edible and very, very nutritive, the problems is that they are quite bitter. So if you choose to put them in your juice, the taste of will most definitely change and it will become more sour. Second, there is a (potential) health issue. Probably it is too much to use the word toxic, like in this New York Time article – but in any case they can cause allergic reactions with some people. Just like peanuts, the carrot tops might be problematic for some people. So, it is up to you whether you use them for preparing carrot juice or not. If you want to be on the safe side, don’t use the greens at all.
Juicing Organic Carrots
The last tip in this article is related to using organic carrots when juicing. The reason is that organic vegetables, in general, are free from all sorts of harmful pesticides and other chemicals used nowadays so abundantly in the conventional farming. These chemicals usually contain toxic and carcinogenic elements. If you cannot find any organic carrots nearby or if you want to use the non-organic product for you healthy juice then it might be a good idea to peel them prior to putting them in your juicer. The majority of toxic substances are contained in the top layers of the skin.
When and Why Not to Juice Carrots
Juicing, in general, has its own important downsides. For example, when you juice fruits you typically remove all the pith and fiber, which act as a shield that protects your body from all the sugar in the juice. The another benefit of the insoluble fiber is that it makes you full, in contrast to the fruit juice, which makes you energized and you might even feel like flying. But you will rarely feel satiated. While technically belonging to the group of vegetables, carrots are very much like fruits in this respect. So, beware of the effect on your insulin levels and blood sugar when you juice carrots! You would want to be careful if you are obese, diabetic, or have other major health issues.
At the end, it is worth mentioning that you need not restrain yourself to juicing just carrots. There is a number of healthy carrot combinations you might want to try in addition to the pure carrot juice. Cheers!
Does anyone know how many max carrots a day one should be juicing? Most of my veggie juice receipes call for 5-6 carrots and I’m juicing 2-3 times a day. Thank you.
Hi Amanda,
The fact is that you can’t overdose on carrots. However, too much carrot juice can cause a benign condition of the skin called carotenoderma. It is manifested in an orange hue to the skin and it is a temporary condition. Drinking 3 or more cups of carrot juice a day, for a longer period of time can make your color turn orange. In order to make one cup of carot juice (8 oz.) it takes about 6-8 large carrots.
I been juicing some carrots in the morning and lately I’ve noticed that the carrots are coming out incredibly bitter. At the market I only have one brand to choose from, the store brand, other than organic. I don’t really get organic products because funds are tight and for the most part I don’t trust anything any one entity tells me, I’ve had the unpleasantness to realized that most business will slap the “Organic” label on them and/or sell “Organic” products for the sole reason of profit. These reasons aside I’m at the point where I will pay the extra for the label. I know it will be a stretch to say ‘organic carrots WILL be sweeter than the non-organic’ but, for the most part will organic carrots be sweeter than most?
You say you don’t like your juice too sweet but for me at this moment I’d rather have ‘too sweet’ than ‘disgustingly bitter’, also, I always juiced the entire carrot, the part about ‘some people don’t juice the tops because of the bitterness’ is news to me. I don’t like to waste so I think I will keep juicing the entire carrot, this in mind, how should I go about to choose the best, sweetest carrots for juicing?
Are organic growers in the habit of harvesting their carrots at the point of maturity and not too early as the commercial growers do just so they can last longer on shelf?
Thanks to any and all for a response.
Hi Dee and thanks for taking the time to leave a comment.
In essence, organic doesn’t tell us what’s in there. It tells us what’s not in there. That is to say, there are no pesticides, herbicides and other harmful substances. But the nutritive content is not necessarily higher when compared to non-organic produce. If the soil is depleted, the produce could contain very little nutrients, even though it may be organic.
That being said, if you like to have a sweet carrot juice, you are right. The more mature and thicker the carrots are, the sweeter the juice. The tops will likely diminish the sweetness of the juice though.
Are there any uses for the residual fiber resulting from carrot & ginger juicing? Maybe in bread or carrot cake or pancakes?
Absolutely. Never throw it away. Тhe fiber is very beneficial, and some of the uses you indicated are excellent.
would you Please tell me, is Carrots Juice better than Apple juice.? Though I like Carrots Juice, is Carrots Juice helps to Absours body weight .?
but, Thanks for your Article.
Better in what respect? If you ask about weight loss, neither is especially beneficial for weight loss because they both contain a lot of natural sugars.
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