NutriBullet and Pregnancy: What Foods Should Women Eat and Avoid While They Are Pregnant

Pregnant women know that they need to consume more nutrients for themselves and their unborn child. And, a great way to get more nutrients is from the use of the NutriBullet. According to various research, what a mother eats during pregnancy will affect the baby’s development and can even affect their taste preferences.
However, it’s imperative to talk with your doctor before you make any kind of dietary change. Why? Your personal health condition may dictate what foods you can and cannot consume. NutriBlasts are loaded with minerals and vitamins that pregnant women need, but since it’s a super powerful type of nutritive diet, it’s important your doctor knows about them before you start taking them.
Table of Contents
- 1 The Magic Bullet — NutriBullet
- 2 What Vitamins and Minerals Does Your Body Need More Of During Pregnancy
- 3 What Foods Should You Not Eat When Pregnant
- 4 Avoid Consuming High Mercury Food/Seafood
- 5 Don’t Eat Undercooked Or Raw Foods (Eggs, Meat, Poultry and Seafood)
- 6 Don’t Consume Unpasteurized Foods
- 7 What To Remember About Pregnancy Weight Gain
- 8 Related Posts
The Magic Bullet — NutriBullet
I have had Nutribullet for 2 years now. Let me say it clear and loud: it is a fantastic machine.
Especially if you diet has been based on junk food. Your body is starving for nutrients. And there is no better way than using this fantastic machine to get enough of whole foods: vegetables, fruits, and other fresh and natural ingredients.
What Vitamins and Minerals Does Your Body Need More Of During Pregnancy
- B12 – If you’re a vegetarian, it’s important you consume foods that have B12 in them such as Swiss cheese, low-fat milk and eggs
- Calcium – Fortified foods, greens and beans
- Essential Fatty Acids – Avocado, nuts/seeds and walnuts
- Folic Acid – Asparagus, beans, oranges and spinach
- Iron – Beans, fortified cereals, nuts/seeds and spinach
- Protein – Beans, grains, legumes, nuts/seeds and vegetables
- Vitamin D – Mushrooms, fortified dairy alternatives and the sun
What Foods Should You Not Eat When Pregnant
There are several kinds of foods you have to avoid eating while you’re pregnant because of your unborn baby’s health. What kinds of foods do you need to avoid?
Avoid Consuming High Mercury Food/Seafood
Your body needs omega-3 fatty acids, which often come from fish and seafood. However, it’s best to avoid these foods while you’re pregnant. Fish and seafood contain mercury, which can impair the development of the baby’s nervous system. Fish that are bigger and older tend to have a higher amount of mercury in them because of other fish they consume. Don’t consume shark, swordfish and tilefish.
Instead, get your omega-3 fatty acids by consuming walnuts, chiaseed, flax, and dark, leafy green vegetables.
Don’t Eat Undercooked Or Raw Foods (Eggs, Meat, Poultry and Seafood)
When you’re pregnant, avoid consuming any raw foods or foods that are still undercooked. Don’t eat clams, oysters or sushi. You can also follow the vegetarian diet, which includes healthy fats, carbs and plant-based protein.
Don’t Consume Unpasteurized Foods
While you should consume dairy-rich foods, you need to have unpasteurized foods such as those found in milk, feta cheese, blue cheese, brie and camembert.
What To Remember About Pregnancy Weight Gain
It’s healthy to gain weight during pregnancy, usually between 25 to 30 pounds for the entire duration (or up to four pounds for the first semester and one pound a week from the rest of the pregnancy).
Of course, the amount of weight you gain is usually dependent on what you weighed before you became pregnant. Many people hear the words, “she’s eating for two,” but pregnant women only need up to 300 more calories a day and women who are breastfeeding need 500 calories more a day.
Before you make any kind of dietary change or you do NutriBlasting, you should speak with your doctor.
If you decide (together with your doctor) to do NutriBlasting, here you can find some nice Nutribullet recipes for pregnant women.
Photo credit: Green Smoothies Rock!
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