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Health Benefits of Basil Seeds for the Skin, Hair, and Weight Loss

Basil seeds (aslo referred to as Sabja seeds) have traditionally been used in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine. In fact, the Basil herb is native to India, so no wonder it has found its way in Ayurvedic medicine. The other not so frequently used names are Falooda seeds and Tukmaria seeds.

Today, mainly because of their fantastic health benefits, these nutrient-dense seeds are increasingly being used in the West. Given that the Basil plant is considered to be extremely healthy, no wonder its seeds should be nothing short of healthy too.

Research confirms the many health benefits, which we will discus in this post, and there’s no doubt that Basil seeds should be a part of your daily nutrition.

The outer appearance of Basil seeds is very similar to Chia Seeds. Like them, when you soak them in water, you will get a liquid with gelatin-like consistency.

This is what makes them great addition for your smoothies, juices, and shakes.

And precisely because of this gelatinous consistency, Basil seeds are very popular in many Asian countries and used as a drink-thickening agent.

The range of extraordinary properties of these seeds include antioxidant, anti-cancer, anti-viral, antibacterial and anti-fungal properties.

Another amazing property was found by the Sutter Gould Medical Foundation. A study concluded that Basil seeds help the control of blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes.

Sabja seeds, when soaked in water, are very beneficial for the digestive system because of their fiber content. In this form they can be used as a potent laxative.

Moreover, they alleviate coughing spasms, relieve symptoms of constipation, and provide a lasting feeling of satiety. Thus, they are a great ally to fight hunger and help you lose weight.

Basil seeds are used to treat flu, cold, and asthma. These tiny black seeds improve your mood, relieve stress, help in case of mental fatigue, depression, and migraine.

How to Consume

Basil seeds are difficult to chew. So, you won’t consume them in a raw condition. Rather, before using, you should soak them in water.

They expand their size multiple times when put in contact with water.

You will get a gelatinous fluid, which is easier to digest. Soak the amount of two teaspoons in one cup of water every day for 15 minutes every day to feel the intended benefits. Use warm water, as it will help the release of beneficial nutrients from these seeds.

The prepared liquid can be added to your shakes, smoothies, and juices to boost their nutritional value. You can sprinkle them in your dishes as well to give them a nice delicious touch.

One of our favorite recipes with these seeds is Basil Seeds Lemonade (see below for a full recipe with directions). The taste is succulent and refreshing, and can help you quench your thrust. Make your lemonade as usual, and add some Basil sees. Before long, this may become you regular summer beverage.

You can buy some quality basis seeds on

Health Benefits

All benefits of Basil seeds are due to their high nutritional value. The number of bioactive compounds, polyphenols and other phyto-chemicals is huge, including the following;

Medicinally, Basil seeds are used to cure constipation, treat digestive problems, deal with skin infections and respiratory problems, and bring stress relief.

Healthy Hair and Skin

Skin problems, such as eczema and psoriasis can be treated by topical application of Basil Seeds crushed in coconut oil. Besides, regular consuming of Basil seeds helps the body produce collagen, which is an essential nutrient for a healthy and vital skin. Vitamin K and iron from Basil seeds helps maintaining strong and healthy hair as well. Most of the hair problems people face are a direct result of wrong nutrition. Along with some other natural remedies, Sabja seeds are a great way to do what you can in terms of nutrition to prevent hair loss.

Weight Loss

Basil seeds has a healthy lipid profile, with the majority of ALA omega 3 fatty acid. Even though we know today that EPA and DHA omega 3 are more useful than ALA omega 3, you cannot get the former from plant sources. Basil seeds’ ALA content is of high quality. This is a plant based omega 3 that will help your body increase the metabolic rate and lose weight.

Moreover, Basil seeds are known to expand their size several times once in your abdomen, making you fell full, and reducing your cravings for food for a prolonged period of time.

Reduction of Body Heat

Basil seeds can be used to prepare a drink to be used as a body coolant. Together with coconut milk, water and honey, Basil seeds help reduce body heat especially during the season of unbearable summer heat. It has been used as an important ingredient in a number of drinks of Asian origin, such as falooda, Indian lemonade, sherbet, nimbu pani, and rooh afza. Recipes how to prepare some of them can be found at the end of this post.

Helping Fight Cough and Flu

The anti-spasmodic features of Basil seeds is what make them a potent natural remedy for soothing the tension of the spasmodic muscles. So you can use them to control cough, sneezing, runny nose and fight flu. The additional antioxidant compounds, such as the beta carotenes found in these seeds, help improve the immune system response to cold and flu.

Reduction of Acidity

Because of today’s wrong eating habits, acidity problems are widespread. Basil seeds help reduce the acid environment in your body and promote more healthy alkaline environment. You can use them to treat acid reflux and too much stomach acid. Take one tablespoon of Basil seeds and mix with one cup of coconut water. Stir the mixture well and wait for 10 minutes or so before drinking. This helps ease the stomach problems, cool the burning sensation down, fight acid reflux, and soothe the lining of the stomach. In addition, the diuretic function of these seeds helps your body get rid of toxins.

Blood Sugar Control

People with type 2 diabetes may consider including these seeds in their diet for a better regulation of diabetes. They are thought to help buffer the effect of the conversion of carbs into glucose in the digestive system. Just make sure you soak them in purified water or coconut water and consume them together with your meals.

Fighting Constipation Problems

As already mentioned above, the Basil seeds will absorb huge quantities of water and they will become gel like, expanding your stomach. This will help easy movement of your bowel, helping you flush toxins out of your body and fighting constipation.

Side-effects of Basil seeds

Young children should avoid eating Basil seeds because of the possibility of choking, especially if the ratio of seed to water is improper. Pregnant women should also avoid consuming these seeds, as they may lower the levels of estrogen in the body.

Basil Seeds Recipes

Rooh Afza Basil Seeds Recipe


  • 3 tablespoons of roohafza syrup
  • 2 tablespoons of Basil seeds
  • 2 cups of water
  • several ice cubes
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • several mint leaves


Wash the Basil seeds and soak them in water. Let them soak for half an hour or more. Remove the excess water. Mix the roohafza syrup with water and add the Basil seeds and lemon juice. Stir well, add some ice cubes and on top place the mint leaves. Enjoy!

Mango Falooda Basil Seeds Recipe


  • 2 tablespoons Basil seeds
  • 1 cup Mango pulp
  • 1/2 cup Mango cubes
  • 1 cup Faloda noodles
  • 2 tablespoons Rose water


Soak the Basil seeds in water for at least half an hour. Remove the excess water. Add the mango pulp at the bottom of an empty glass. On top of that, add the Faloda noodles and one tablespoon of Rose water. Then add the basil seeds and the mango cubes. Consume while fresh.

Basil Seeds Lemonade


  • 2 tablespoons Basil seeds
  • 1 cup cold water
  • 1/2 cup fresh lemon juice
  • 2 tablespoons organic honey


Mix the Basil seeds with water and let them soak for 30 minutes. Add the freshly squeezed lemon juice to the mixture. Add some tiny ginger slices and sweeten with honey if you absolutely have to have it sweet.

Here is a video demonstration how to prepare Basil seeds Lemonade. I like this recipe as well, but I would replace the sugar with honey, or don’t use sugar at all. And the cinnamon at the end is a very nice touch indeed. Enjoy!


In-vivo study for anti-hyperglycemic potential of aqueous extract of Basil seeds, web:

Ocimum sp. (Basil): Botany, Cultivation, Pharmaceutical Properties, and Biotechnology, web:

Spice Hunting: Chewy Drinks with Basil Seed. web:

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