How Much Juice Should I Drink?

The answer is simple. Be natural and try to feel what your body tells you. If you can do that, there is no need for rules and regulations. Consume enough of the whole foods as well. Don’t go overboard with fruit juices though. Fruits contain sugar, and should be taken in moderation. People withe elevated insulin levels should consider limiting or avoiding fruits altogether.
Table of Contents
The Role of the Juicer
When you prepare fresh juices you usually use juicers. These helpful devices haven’t always been around. In the past, people needed to extract juices by hand. In the process of juice extraction, the minerals and vitamins are released from the cells of the fibers. In the second phase, they are collected and separated from the pulp. Hand juicing will only perform these tasks to a certain extent. With the invent of the centrifugal juice extractors, the juice from the pulp is separated and collected using the power of the centrifugal force. Whereas it is impossible to collect absolutely all the juice from the fruits or vegetables, the obtained juice is as good as one can get. It is ready to be consumed as soon as possible for the maximum health benefits.
Living Organic Water
One of the main benefits of drinking freshly made juices is the water contained therein. Here we are talking about organic water. The water you obtain via the piping system is inorganic, and on top of that, contaminated with traces of chlorine and other chemicals. This is an unfortunate truth – the water that comes from the faucet in our homes is deprived of life principles. In contrast, the organic water contained in the plants is rich in vitamins and minerals and very very beneficial. That is, only if you use the fruits and vegetables raw – not cooked, not canned, not pasteurized. Here is a study about the health effects of chlorine in drinking water.
If you are still not convinced how important the quality of our drinking water is, check this video about a study conducted by the Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto.
We have already considered the devastating effect of heat on the enzymes contained within the juices. Other similar procedures, such as for instance pasteurization, are equally harmful. We can only speculate of the exact mechanisms, but the organic water contained in the juices is likewise turned into inorganic fluid.
Easier Digestion
The other issue we dealt with earlier was the dilemma juicing, vs raw eating – the difference being in the elimination of the pulp. Drinking juices without too much of fibers (cellulose) make it possible to avoid the excessive and unnecessary burdening the digestive tract, while at the same time still getting the essential energy, vital elements, and nutrients. In just 10 to 15 minutes the juices are assimilated provided that they don’t contain fibers. When the cellulose fibers are present, we are talking about several hours of digesting.
The main concern should be keeping the amount of fruit juice low. As a rule, fruits contain a lot of sugars, and what is even worse, a lot of fructose. Fructose is what makes the fruits taste sweet, but at the same time, it is the worst type of sugar you can consume. Fructose cannot be used directly by our body, so it has to be converted into either glucose or fatty acids by the liver. In addition to that, fructose creates a cascade of other health related problems, so once again, stay away from fruit juices as much as you can even if they are freshly squeezed.
Extra precautions should be taken with children, as there are some concerns regarding using fresh juices vs raw foods. The amount of juice should be properly adjusted, especially with younger children.
If you are still wondering how much juice is enough, remember that juices in general should be treated as foods, not beverages. If you are fasting, you should be careful. More juice intake implies that also more calories are being consumed and that way your body gets more energy. The reverse is also true – less juice uptake implies less energy and more intense cleansing.
Hi! Thank you for the advise, Now I know that even water can give a benefits to our body but make sure its Organic water. Good day!
Thanks for the comment Vincent. Yeah, water is great, as long as it’s in its pure form.