The Secrets of Natural Gut Detoxification

Gut detoxification is an important process that, occasionally, everyone of us should perform in order to get a stronger immune system and strengthen one’s health. The good thing is – you need no invasive methods – this type of detox can be done naturally, for example by using freshly prepared raw juices, smoothies as well as by following the right diet plan. I personally am never in favor of invasive methods. I am a strong believer that we have been provided with all the necessary inner and outer (natural) resources to be able to maintain a healthy life.
Table of Contents
The Good and Bad Bacteria in the Intestines
Let us see first where the problem with the toxins in our digestive systems actually lies. It turns out that the small intestine is lined with columnar tissue in form of tiny villi responsible for nutrition absorption. This is the place where most of our digestion actually takes place. Food and fiber make up to 60 percent of the total mass that passes through the intestines. The remaining 40 percent are mucous and bacteria.
Not all of the bacteria present there are healthy. Certain types of pathogenic bacteria are normally present there as well (even in a healthy gut), such as E.coli, Salmonella, and Shigella. These pathogenic bacteria, along with fungi and candida (yeast) threaten the delicate balance that exists between the beneficial and pathogenic types. The beneficial or friendly types include Acidophilus and Bifido bacteria, and they naturally counter the activity of the unhealthy bacteria.
It is important to remember that the presence of these friendly bacteria is crucial to the strength of the entire immune system, not just the intestines themselves.
Actually, scientists have found out that more than 60 percent of the immunity of the body depends on these beneficial, also called probiotic bacteria.
Now the question is, What is the beneficial balance between the healthy and unhealthy bacteria types that we should have in order to be healthy? The balance ratio between friendly and pathogenic bacteria in our gut is estimated to be around 80% to 20% in favor of the beneficial types.
If you have, for various reasons, disturbed this delicate ratio, you should try to restore it as soon as possible, which brings us to the next question:
What are the several necessary steps for gut detoxification?
Restoring the Natural Gut Function
Before the gut can be restored to its original function, it is of great importance to reduce the toxicity from the overgrowth of pathogenic bacteria and candida.
- First it is necessary to cleanse the gut (and colon) from the toxic deposits with help of raw juices and fasting.
- The next step should be going on a balanced diet. In particular, you should exclude wheat, sugar, diary, food additives and alcohol.
- The third step consists in reseeding the gut with a variety of friendly bacteria and digestive enzymes.
There are foods and juices that can help you cleanse and strengthen the intestines from the accumulated toxins. A balanced diet for restoring the healthy bacterial balance should include a lot of vegetables and fresh, high fiber, whole organic foods. You should avoid GMO foods and eat organic raw fruits, vegetables, and nuts. The green veggies are especially useful. A diet of this type will introduce slightly alkaline gut environment which prevents pathogenic bacteria from thriving, as opposed to acidic foods that make a good terrain for the harmful bacteria.
A huge danger lies in the extensive use of antibiotics. Today, some physicians tend to prescribe antibiotics indiscriminately, which in turn destroy all bacteria, not just the bad ones. When it comes to yeast, however, even the strongest antibiotics are helpless. The only way is to starve the yeast present in the intestines by not providing them with sugars – their favorite food. Make sure you also reduce or eliminate the foods with high gluten content – they irritate the bowel and may cause inflammations.
Simultaneously, adding probiotic supplements to your diet is encouraged. You don’t need to purchase the supplements though. Some fermented foods such as sauerkraut and fermented bevarages, such as kefir will provide enough probiotics in a natural way.
Adding fiber rich foods to your diet is also very much encouraged. Rice bran, slippery elm bark or flax seed will make the food move through the digestive system without stopping along the way and fermenting.
In addition, glutamine, which can be purchased as nutritional supplement, is the primary nutrient that will help repair the intestinal wall.
Finally, the lifestyle you lead can also promote the growth of healthy gut bacteria. Are you are getting enough quality sleep? Do you live and work in a stress free environment? Try to improve both!
Natural Foods That Help Detox the Intestines
Let us examine the health benefits of some herbs and natural products that can help detox the intestines. The principle of operation of these foods is that they are able to discriminate between the friendly and pathogenic bacteria, leaving the healthy ones intact while destroying the unhealthy types only.
For example, garlic, when absorbed, triggers a series of metabolic events, whose end product is a substance called allicin. Allicin is an organosulfur compound, biologically active in the small intestine, that is capable of eliminating pathogens. Some research studies have found that garlic may even be more powerful than antibiotics in destroying the unhealthy intestinal flora.
Peppermint oil in form of capsules can be used to eliminate several strains of pathogenic bacteria, E. coli included, without affecting the healthful intestinal flora.
Oregano oil is another powerful natural substance that kills pathogenic strains without touching the beneficial bacteria. Carvacrol is the active biochemical compound which is responsible for its powerful effect. The oregano oil should preferably be organic or wild.
In addition to the above, activated charcoal can be a great helpful agent – it absorbs the toxins of your stomach quickly and efficiently.
Stomach Healing Juice I
- 8 oz of celery juice
- 3 oz of cabbage juice
- 1 clove juiced garlic
- 1 oz parsley juice
- 1 oz aloe vera juice
- 2 oz fennel juice
- 2 inch ginger root
This juice is great for calming an irritable stomach and soothe irritable or ulcerated tissue. Ginger (you can also use ginger tea or ginger juice) stimulates the digestive juices. Aloe vera as well as cabbage are beneficial for ulcerated intestines. It is important to make this healing juice fresh and and to consume it slowly.
Gut Cleansing Juice
- 4 Carrots
- 4 Beet greens
- one half red beet
- 2.5 inch ginger root
- 4 kale leaves
- a handful of Dandelion leaves
Stomach Repair Smoothie
- 2 Tablespoonful wheat or barley grass powder
- 2 Tablespoonful rice bran
- 2 teaspoonful elm powder
- 2 teaspoonful L glutamine powder
- 2 teaspoonful bifidus probiotic powder
- a pinch of stevia
- 1 cup pure water
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